#thoughtworkshop – Welcome to Industrial Union

Esittely / Presentation

What is the purpose of the trade union movement and Industrial Union.
We’ll learn about the role and tasks of the regional center. We’ll get to know the activities of the union as well as the benefits and opportunities of the members. Training includes brainstorming, coworking and networking.

Target group: new members and members who has not participated union trainings before.

Kohderyhmä / Målgrupp

Kaikki jäsenet

Koulutuspaikka / Utbildningsplats

Hotel Nuuksio
Naruportintie 68
02860 Espoo

Kysy lisätietoja / Mer information

[email protected]
Eero Löytömäki 050 462 4697
Sari Perkiö 040 688 8728
