You have rights – are you willing to take action to protect them?/ Ostrobothnia

Esittely / Presentation

Industrial Union’s Southwestern and Ostrobothian regional centers are organizing a training event for our migrant-backgrounded members.

Training will revolve around various topics like basics of employee’s rights, organizing methods and how the Union can support your aspirations to organize your workplace.

The course language is English.

Kohderyhmä / Målgrupp

Kaikki jäsenet, Englanninkieliset

Sisältö / Innehåll

Training event will be held as workshop-styled, with following topics in different workshops:

1. Your rights as an employee – how did you got them, how to protect them? r. Martti Paavilainen, bargaining expert, Helsinki headquarters

2. Hermes App – a work life ABC in your pocket, how to use, how to promote. Mr. Henri von Adlerkrone, bargaining expert, Helsinki headquarters

3. Organizing A – how to promote the union, how to convince and assure. Mr. Osmo Rantanen, regional officer, Southwestern region

4. Organizing B – consistent and planned way to make an impact.
Mr. Erno Välimäki, regional manager, Ostrobothnia region

Training is free of charge for our members in Industrial Union.
Breakfast, lunch and afternoon´s coffee break are all covered by Industrial Union. You can also apply for compensation of your travel expenses back and forth.

For participants from Ostrobothnia region, we also offer an opportunity to arrive on Friday evening. Industrial union reserve and pay you accommodation for Friday night.

Koulutuspaikka / Utbildningsplats

Hotelli Aquarius
Kullervontie 11
23500 Uusikaupunki

Kysy lisätietoja / Mer information

Regional manager Erno Välimäki 045 636 5393, [email protected]
