“Get the Hermes app, join the union and know your rights” – members of foreign background praise the Industrial Union’s expanding services

Members of foreign background feel that the Industrial Union’s Hermes app makes life easier in a new country, especially early on. The app and the Industrial Union’s website contain information in nine languages.

The Industrial Union’s ”Teollisuusliiton Hermes” app provides up-to-date information about working and living in Finland. The mobile app is available in Finnish, Swedish, English, Ukrainian, Russian, Vietnamese, Romanian, Polish and Estonian.

Union member Michał Kulka-Kowalczyk and his family moved from Poland to Finland in late 2021. He estimates that moving and settling in a new country would have gone faster if he’d had the Teollisuusliiton Hermes app to rely on.

“It is great that the Industrial Union is open to workers of foreign backgrounds and the union’s website and Hermes app are available in many languages,” says Kulka-Kowalczyk.

Kulka-Kowalczyk, who works in newspaper delivery at Lounais-Suomen Tietojakelu Oy in Turku, says that he joined the union on his own initiative. Delivery workers work alone and rarely see coworkers or shop stewards.

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