Take part in The Rules of Working Life course

The Industrial Union encourages you to take advantage of your membership benefits and enhance your knowledge. If you are looking to understand Finnish labor laws, collective agreements, or Finnish working life in general, this course is for you!

On top of getting a wealth of knowledge, you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other union members from diverse international backgrounds.

The Rules of Working Life course will be held on 21–23 May 2025 at Murikka Institute in Tampere (Kuterintie 226, 34260 Terälahti).

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the rules of Finnish working life and to provide information on the rights and obligations of an employee through lectures, discussions, and exercises.

Focus group

Union members with a foreign background who are able to follow lectures and participate in discussions in English.

NB! This course is for first-time attendees only. If you have already attended this course before, we offer you the opportunity to participate in the Union News course in the autumn. You will receive more information about the content and dates of the course by email later in the spring.

Free of charge

Once you are accepted to the training by the Industrial Union, your participation will be free of charge. You will enjoy complimentary accommodation at Murikka hotel and meals at Murikka restaurant. Also, your travel expenses will be reimbursed.

How to apply

Apply to the training via Telmo online course calendar.

Participation in the course is agreed with the employer. The course application must be submitted to the employer at least three weeks before the course starts. Employer approval is requested through Telmo.

Invitations and travel instructions will be sent to those who are accepted by email approximately two weeks before the course starts.

Enjoy Murikka!

The Murikka Institute of the Industrial Union is located in Teisko, approximately 40 km from the city centre of Tampere.

During the training, you will stay comfortably in a hotel room with your own bathroom, air conditioning, and TV. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served at the restaurant.

After a day of studying, you will have the opportunity to relax in the scenic surroundings of Murikka. Stay active in the sports hall or gym, enjoy the fresh outdoor air by the beautiful lakeside scenery, or unwind in the spa or lakeside sauna.

You can get to know Murikka Institute via this link.