Help and support for all members – “The union’s legal aid covers all legal costs”

In the event of problems in the workplace, members of the Industrial Union can turn to the union for assistance. The shop steward and the union’s experts can offer advice. If necessary, the union will represent the member in court.

Most unclear situations that arise during an employment relationship can be settled amicably. We recommend that the worker first contact their supervisor and, if necessary, seek advice and support from the workplace’s shop steward or the Industrial Union’s experts.

In the initial phase of a dispute, the union can provide advice. It is also common for unresolved disputes in the workplace to be settled out of court once the demands are presented in writing with the support of the union.

“It pays to be open to a possible settlement, because seeing a dispute all the way to its end takes years and can take a surprising toll mentally,” says Susanna Holmberg, Interim Manager of the Industrial Union’s Legal Department.

If no settlement is reached and the member wants the union to take care of the case, the member must give written consent by power of attorney and submit a legal aid request to the union for assessment.

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