Perusduunari muiden joukossa – Industrial Union Member Survey 2023

The key results of the Industrial Union member survey Perusduunari muiden joukossa (2023) are now published also in Swedish and English. The survey provides an overview of the work and career situation of Industrial Union members. It also reveals who Industrial Union members are and what their thoughts on various topics are. In forming the big picture, the survey does not overlook the individual, and the voice of the average member is heard strongly throughout the survey. The member survey was carried out as an online survey in early 2023. Nearly 22,000 Industry Union members participated in the survey.

The Industrial Union turned six years in the spring of 2024 and has quickly grown to become a strong expert in the rules of working life and collective bargaining. The Industrial Union does not conduct studies for their own sake but in order to learn and respond to new information and develop its operations based on research data.

In the member survey, members of different ages discuss their work and livelihood. One of the most important tasks of the Industrial Union is fighting for better working conditions. That is why the survey focused on members who are available for work on the labour market. The survey found that more and more people have had to think about how to pay for everyday expenses as prices have risen.

The member survey also reveals that for many average workers, the length of the workweek is increasing. Workers are showing signs of fatigue at work. Even if the work is meaningful, employees have less autonomy than before. Family, friends and coworkers help cope with work stress. For some people, however, rush and stress at work is not getting any better.

The majority of Industrial Union members feel that they belong to the working class, with one in five placing themselves in the middle class. Class identification is based on an individual’s background, values and income level. The member survey shows that politically, average workers are both left and right-leaning. In elections, Industrial Union members vote either traditional left-wing parties or the Finns Party.

Industrial Union members are familiar with various mobile and automated devices and robots used in workplaces. The average worker has a generally positive view of digitalisation. The member survey found that when it comes to the future, members are especially worried about worsening working conditions. In particular, wage development is a concern for many. On the other hand, members are not as worried about the sufficiency of jobs and global changes.

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