Training activities by the Industrial Union

Training activities by the Industrial Union consist of trade union training and advocacy work for vocational training.

Trade union training

The goal of trade union training is to produce expertise for the needs of the union’s shop stewards, occupational safety representatives, active members of local branches and all members in general.

The Study Leave Act guarantees all members the right to train during working hours. The Union reimburses course fees for approved students, including teaching, full boarding and course materials.

Trade union training is a nationwide form of employer-sponsored training that is covered by the union’s organisational training. The Industrial Union organises trade union training at the union’s college in Murikka, Tampere, and at the Murikka branch facility in Helsinki.

The Union also organises national weekend-long training courses and shorter regional courses based on the needs of the Union’s areas of operation. In addition to traditional face-to-face training, the Union organises online courses.

Employer-sponsored shop steward training

The employer pays compensation for lost earnings to employees who participate in shop steward training courses.

Other training

Courses that are not covered by the employer’s financial support pay out an organisational training allowance. The tax-free allowance consists of a course allowance of €45.70 per course day and a stipend of €41.16 per course day. The allowance can be granted if the course causes loss of earnings and the student has no other sources of income.

Advocacy work for vocational education and training

The goal of advocacy work is to ensure a high level of study opportunities in vocational education and training at different stages of members’ working lives.

Advocacy work for vocational training includes multi-level, active and competent public relations work and interaction with the central organisation, education authorities, educational institutions and various working groups, among other parties. Counselling individual members and cooperating with the union’s sectors, local branches and shop stewards is also part of advocacy work. Our most important channels of influence with the National Education Agency are the Forums for Skills Anticipation and Working Life Committees. We also collaborate with workplaces, educational institutions and employers.

Enrolling for courses

You can browse courses and sign up in the electronic course calendar in Telmo. You can find the calendar here. Through the system, you can enrol for all courses of the Finnish Industrial Union and Murikka and browse your previously taken courses.

Enrol by logging in to Telmo

  • To login, enter your last namedate of birth ( and membership number. You can find your membership number on your mobile membership card, for example.

Questions and feedback

  • If you have questions about the Telmo system, contact the Union’s training team at [email protected].

Training and events in English

No events