We the Union (TSL)

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Esittely / Presentation

This course covers workplace organizing and development. The course also provides basics of trade union movement. Participants get to discuss possibilities for active membership and gain tools and ideas for new member recruitment.
Course is held in English. Course includes working in groups with possibility to get into specific topics more intensely. After the course participants have better understanding of workplace activities and new ideas and tools to bring into action.
The course is free, and travel allowances are paid.

Focus group: Union members with a foreign background who are able to follow instruction in English. The training is particularly suitable for new members or members who have not participated in trainings before.

Kohderyhmä / Målgrupp

Kaikki jäsenet

Sisältö / Innehåll

Saturday 5.4.2025
10.00 Welcome to the course
11.15 What is a trade union in Finland
12.15 Lunch
13.00 Being a member of a trade union
14.00 Workshops
(30min/workshop – coffee break 15-15.30)
• Workshop 1: Workplace Q&A
• Workshop 2: Active participation in the trade union and society
• Workshop 3: Recruiting new members
• Workshop 4: Digital services in the union
17.00 Reflection and closing
19.00 Dinner

Sunday 6.4.2025
9.00 Opening of the day
9.15 What is the Industrial Union
10.15 How to organize at the workplace
11.30 Lunch
12.30 Next steps
13.30 Event summary and feedback
14.00 Closing coffee and departure

Koulutuspaikka / Utbildningsplats

Hotel Kakola
Kakolankatu 14
20100 Turku
