The rules of working life in English – Työelämän pelisäännöt englannin kielellä

Esittely / Presentation

If you want to familiarize yourself with Finnish labour legislation, are curious to know what a collective agreement is, and wonder what you should consider when concluding an employment contract, this training is for you!

The aim of the training is to get acquainted with the rules of Finnish working life and to provide information on the rights and obligations of an employee through lectures, discussions, and exercises.

Focus group: Union members with a foreign background who are able to follow the teaching and participate in the discussion in English, and who have not previously participated in the course.

Kohderyhmä / Målgrupp

Kaikki jäsenet

Sisältö / Innehåll

Koulutuspaikka / Utbildningsplats

Kuterintie 226
34260 Terälahti (Murikka-opisto)

Kysy lisätietoja / Mer information

More information: [email protected]
