Union News
Esittely / Presentation
If you already participated in The rules of
working life training and want to deepen your
knowledge or if you want to hear about current
working life affairs, this training if for you!
Kohderyhmä / Målgrupp
Kaikki jäsenet, Englanninkieliset
Sisältö / Innehåll
This training does not go through the basics
of working life but aims to deepen and expand
the student’s knowledge of working life matters
and examine current trade union issues.
Focus group: Union members with a foreign
background who are able to follow teaching
and participate in discussions in English.
Koulutuspaikka / Utbildningsplats
Kuterintie 226
34260 Terälahti (Murikka-opisto)
Kysy lisätietoja / Mer information
Lisätietoja kurssista: murikka.kurssit@teollisuusliitto.fi