You have rights – are you willing to take action to protect them?/ South-Western Finland

Esittely / Presentation

Industrial Union’s Southwestern and Ostrobothian regional centers are organizing a training event for our migrant-backgrounded members.

Training will revolve around various topics like basics of employee’s rights, organizing methods and how the Union can support your aspirations to organize your workplace.

Kohderyhmä / Målgrupp

Kaikki jäsenet, Englanninkieliset

Sisältö / Innehåll

Training event will be held as workshop-styled, with following topics in different workshops:

1. Your rights as an employee – how did you got them, how to protect them? Mr. Martti Paavilainen, bargaining expert, Helsinki headquarters

2. Hermes App – a work life ABC in your pocket, how to use, how to promote. Mr. Henri von Adlerkrone, bargaining expert, Helsinki headquarters

3. Organizing A – how to promote the union, how to convince and assure.
Mr. Osmo Rantanen, regional officer, Southwestern region

4. Organizing B – consistent and planned way to make an impact.
Mr. Erno Välimäki, regional manager, Ostrobothnia region

Training is free of charge for our members in Industrial Union.
Breakfast, lunch and afternoon´s coffee break are all covered by Industrial Union. You can also apply for compensation of your travel expenses back and forth.

Koulutuspaikka / Utbildningsplats

Hotelli Aquarius
Kullervontie 11
23500 Uusikaupunki

Kysy lisätietoja / Mer information

Regional officer, Osmo Rantanen 040 860 1635, [email protected]
